flux branding

Cancel or Consequence?

Man with a black tape on his mouth and text that says: CANCEL OR CONSEQUENCE?
Brands in the Court of Public Opinion

>The double edged sword of freedom. 

Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation through long-form narrative journalism and essays. In July 2020, Harpers published A Letter on Justice and Open Debate,signed by a who’s who list of professors, writers, scientists, intellectuals and thinkers. In three short paragraphs, it describes the dilemma brands face in the modern communications ecosystem. 

In the internet age, free speech comes with an increasing threat of retaliation. The reach of social media gives brands more platform than ever before, a new freedom to speak directly to their audiences. But this freedom  is double edged. What used to be private “cards and letters” have become posts, shares, videos and memes that are searchable, and can trend globally without expiration. If the evolution of cultural norms turns against your favor,  the opinions, images and content can have devastating consequences for your reputation. It could even result in your brand being “cancelled”.

Cancel culture is a form of online shaming that represents a completely new risk for creative content. It is a modern form of ostracism in which a brand, person, product or concept is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both. The threat is real, and forges a new consideration for how brands choose to align. 

Four bulls and a text overlay that says: A MODERN DILEMMA

>Facing the dilemma

Brands are faced with a dilemma: is the reward of having a unique market position worth the risk? . While it’s certainly safest for brands to remain neutral it carries the weight of being unremarkable, mundane and forgettable. Generic offerings are usually low-price substitutes for their branded counterparts, and while they may compete with price, they offer little promise of customer loyalty.

Strong brands take stands. They appeal to niche audiences who identify with the core values and principles that the brand reflects. Since customers feel a strong attachment with the brand’s promise and position, they’re often willing to pay more for something they love and trust. Brands like Apple and Nike are obvious examples.

But if public sentiment changes, your position could become a liability. Attitudes towards gender equality, racial reform, economic divide, environmental protection and law enforcement are rapidly evolving. The things we accepted for generations are being rethought. The risk and reward equation is growing more and more complex.

A dilemma, which is Greek for “two premises”, can be likened to the horns of an angry, charging bull. The horns represent the two unpleasant outcomes attached to the same issue, with  inherent danger in making the right choice.

Plato’s ancient dialogues remark that every dilemma affords not two, but three options. You could grab the left horn and attempt survival on one side of the issue.  Or, you could take the right horn and take your chances with the other side. Or you could go between the horns and deny that there are only two choices. It’s the concept of grabbing the bull by the horns to steer your own path forward.

People with different facial expressions and a text overlay: THE AGE OF REACTIONISM

>Preparing for reactionism

The free exchange of ideas is becoming more constricted due to the fear of backlash by an increasingly intolerant public. This is enabled by unprecedented ease of global communications, mobile devices, social media platforms and zero-cost broadcasting. A vocal minority can masquerade as the voice of reason using targeted messaging based on online behavior profiling. The tools of classic propaganda have been put in the hands of everyone. That the genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going to be recaptured. 

It’s easy to misinterpret a sound byte and assume it’s representative of the whole story. With an avalanche of communications vying for attention, we’re moving faster and faster from message to message. 

Information was once a valuable asset, the result of laborious effort and study. The internet has had the unintended consequence of transforming information into a (worthless) commodity. There’s just too much information available to discern fact from fiction, so we’re relying more and more on external opinion to form our own conclusions.

Here then is the heart of the issue: we’re more reactionary but also more dependent on outside opinions. But those willing to offer those opinions are increasingly at risk of censure. 

Brands can’t afford to act on impulse and opinion alone. While standing still will get you nowhere, moving without foresight could be disastrous. It’s never been more important to understand your audience, your competitors and the context in which your brand is heard. Think of your brand in a 360 degree media-scape that’s always changing. It’s critical to keep your eyes and ears open. 

CANCEL OR CONSEQUENCE? text overlay against a blue background with an X mark

Brands, by definition, position products, services, platforms and companies in the marketplace to make them more memorable. It’s most effective when it taps an emotional reaction to produce an experience with your customers. That will never change. But in the world of online communications, opinions can come in and out of favor faster than ever. Do you take the risk of being cancelled, or do you feel the consequences of being unremarkable in a crowded market?

There’s not only two options. With informed decisions, your brand can respond to the current climate while remaining relevant in the future.   To do that, it’s essential to listen. Brand research is an evergreen activity that’s easier than ever to maintain. Using online analytics, surveys, ratings and direct dialog it’s important to keep a finger on the pulse of your brand position and messages. That provides insights to avoid catastrophes. It’s the only way to control the bull, instead of letting the bull control you. 

But it requires an open mind and the ability to be objective. It can be hard to see your brand from the perspective of an outsider. Brands are excellent hypnotists, and it’s natural to believe your views reflect reality. The market however continues to reinterpret your brand messaging in terms of the current context. And the context is changing faster than ever.

In some cases, it makes sense to fight for what’s right and stand your ground. Taking a knee during the National Anthem was once highly controversial, but now it’s become a symbol of unity. When your morals and ethics are noble, it’s worth holding on to your principles. But it’s equally important to admit mistakes. No brand is perfect.

>In certain circumstances, evolving is essential. 

Rebranding could be your only option if circumstances are beyond repair. Corporate rebranding is a real way to distance yourself from past problems. The branding process helps re-orient the entire enterprise, and provides an outward indication of transformation.

What is most important is to revisit your brand regularly. The world’s in Flux. Are you keeping up?

Making A Brand Pivot

A text overlay: Making a Brand Pivot against a brown background, and a Knee level shot of two business people
Moving quickly and powerfully can avoid serious obstacles.


Brands are facing new challenges. The rules have changed and it’s time to pivot.

The great pandemic of 2020 is a wake-up call. From politics to perceptions, it’s touched everyone to varying degrees. We’ve all been personally affected by social distancing, travel restrictions, and business closures. But surprising opportunities have emerged for brands that have made the effort to pivot. What does it take to make a brand pivot?

A brand pivot can be a change in position, pricing, messaging, fulfillment strategy, or product offering that retains some continuity with its previous version— often as a strategy to appeal to a different audience or respond to changing market conditions. It’s essential to understand the two essential elements of a brand pivot: agility & amplification.

The Agile Pivot

On one hand, a pivot is distinguished by agility and quickness. There’s an abrupt change of direction that results from turning on a single point. Unlike evolution which is a gradual response to conditions, a pivot is an active and conscious move.

>Pivoting is fundamental in basketball.

In a pivot, a basketball player must keep one foot still but can move the other around freely. It’s a specialized movement that enables strategic action. There are two fundamental moves in a pivot.

Basketball player pivoting


Forward pivot – This is when a player advances and steps forward into their field of vision, while keeping on the other foot in the same spot. It’s an offensive move to gain an advantageous position to score points.

Drop-step pivot – This is when the player retreats, revolving backwards away from an opponent to find an opportunity for an advantage behind the pivot.


Progress forces us to make value judgments.

We judge the rightness, wrongness or usefulness of a new advancement based on a comparison to other things we already understand. These evaluations are often based upon limited information and are made quickly and impulsively. They are not universal. There are different evaluations because we don’t all agree on what is good or bad.

It’s a common misconception that great branding is only about consistency. The truth is that brands are dynamic and adaptable; they must respond naturally to their surrounding conditions. Your logo, tagline and colors might remain consistent, but your brand isn’t limited to your visual identity. Although your core principles never change, how you communicate them evolves depending on context.

Two of the hardest hit categories by the pandemic are theaters and restaurants. But there are examples of brands that have already made the pivot… and they’re surviving.

>Forward Pivoting: Geffen Stayhouse

The Geffen Playhouse rebranded into a ‘Stayhouse’ to keep theater alive in a virtual format. Although live theaters have closed during the pandemic, a few have found ways to entertain — perhaps none more creatively than the Geffen Playhouse, rebranded as a “Stayhouse” for interactive virtual shows designed to bridge the gap among us. It’s not just for patrons in its native Los Angeles, but anyone with an Internet connection.


Geffen Stayhouse new logo after rebranding

Geffen’s 2021 season features four performances shown over Zoom to small audiences who receive a box of accoutrements in advance that elevate the online theater experience above expectations.

Their forward pivot into experimental digital theater allows them to maintain revenues, retain talent and secure patronage. It’s an exciting new form of performance that’s just emerging.


>Drop-step Pivot: California Chicken Cafe

Two college friends started California Chicken Cafe in 1991, with a vision for a quick service restaurant with great value and delicious food. Loyal guests, great team members and amazing flavor helped them grow to 9 locations across the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles area.

California Chicken Café logo

In response to COVID-19, the company quickly pivoted into an all-pickup or delivery model. They launched an app for easy mobile ordering and converted their sidewalks into curbside pickup.

By pivoting away from the dining room back into pure delivery allows them to keep all locations active, retain team members and delight their customers.

“The Power of the Pivot” text on a yellow background

Second element of a pivot is the ability to apply leverage to amplify output.  A simple machine is a basic concept in physics for a variety of mechanisms that multiply force. It’s fundamental for moving obstacles, raising structures and facilitating progress. By pivoting across a fulcrum, a lever can generate tremendous force.


Pivoting can generate amplification.


Greek philosopher Archimedes
The idea of a simple machine originated with the Greek philosopher Archimedes around the 3rd century BC, who studied the core simple machines: lever, pulley, and screw. He discovered the principle of mechanical advantage in the lever.

His famous remark, “Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth,” expresses his realization that there is no limit to the amount of force that can be achieved by using leverage.

Education and membership organizations have been forced to pivot to survive. By pivoting intelligently, then can actually produce amplified results. Brands that align together can leverage their individual abilities to find ways to thrive, even in a global pandemic. These two brands are clients of our studio, Flux Branding:

>Pivoting to Educate: Caltech Associates

The Caltech Associates is a vibrant support group for the California Institute of Technology. Since its founding 90 years ago, members have played a vital role in the life of the Institute. A combination of COVID restrictions combined with increased national membership made their lecture series, travel programs and campus amenities less incentivizing or impossible.


Caltech Associates logo

They pivoted from in-person gatherings and events to live online scientific lectures by leveraging the same campus resources that enabled distance learning for students.

The result was an increase in unrestricted funding from 2019 to 2020, raised from a passionate base of supporters dedicated to maintaining the cause of scientific breakthroughs— especially through a global pandemic.



Pivot To Massive Online: Focusing Philanthropy

Focusing Philanthropy believes extraordinary impact is possible if we focus on root causes, maximize leverage, act on solid information, and pool our efforts. They believe donations should be made with the same level of strategic intent, information, and confidence as other investments.

Text “2020 Holiday Impact Prize, Presented By Nicholas Kristoff” on a blue green background



Since 2009, New York Times columnist and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof has written an annual “holiday gift guide” column to bridge a philanthropic gap: readers who wanted to help but didn’t know how, and heroic individuals and organizations who desperately needed resources but were off donors’ radar.


>Making A Brand Pivot

A brand pivot uses agility and amplification, quickness and leverage, to generate market advantages. While the obstacles to achieving success may seem immense, using speed and force to multiply efforts can make the results achievable. Brand pivots hinge on emotional, perceptual and conceptual points, and they require both instrictual and intellectual approaches.

Quickly Assess Obstacles –  Pivots occur in dynamic, rapidly changing environments. Moving like an athlete, scan the field for opportunities to serve customers by circumventing barriers.

Form A Fulcrum – Leverage requires a point that can be used to your advantage. Beginning with your core values and unique selling principles, identify your highest value offering. Align with another brand to gain an advantage.

Apply Force – Using agility and amplification, multiply your efforts for increased output. Like a physical lever, there’s a requirement to move a longer distance to achieve the power of moving major obstacles. It might require consistent pressure to accomplish results.

Thinking outside the box is part of a pivot mindset. By taking a nimble stance and being ready to quickly respond the market, you’ve got the flexibility to find ways to leverage your current brand equity to your advantage.

>Your Brand Pivot

If you’re still unsure how to pivot there’s still time to act. While your business expertise is sharpened through your experience of operating it, through coaching you’ll learn how to pivot naturally.  Specialized moves aren’t easy to pick up without training. Expect to practice a while to perfect your moves.

Once exclusively the domain of global management consultancies, there are smaller boutique resources that can help. Flux Branding was created to help brands find their way through times of change. It’s why we developed our 4-step process, The IDEA Method. Contact us for an initial assessment.

Regardless of how you pivot, what’s most important is that you’re aware of the changing market dynamics now. The world is evolving in unprecedented ways, so you should too. Now is not the time retreat– it’s the time to make your move.

Real Estate Branding: How to Differentiate in a Booming Market

With so many high-quality developments all within a click or swipe, real estate branding is the most reliable way to differentiate yourself from your competition.

A well-built brand will drive exceptional value in any market.

But if your brand positioning isn’t tailored to match your customers’ personalities, you’re destined to be nothing more than noise to be tuned out.

Here’s how to start attracting the right people to your property.

5 Essential Rules for Real Estate Branding

Real estate branding rules on a colorful wheel chart

It’s never been more important to differentiate your property from the competition.

A meaningful marketing plan based on great branding tends to be more effective because it’s designed to resonate with a targeted resident profile.

The return on investment for a well-executed branding strategy can easily generate high multiples.

Consider the revenue from a mere 1% increase in rents across a large multifamily property: Faster absorptions of units help offsets debt more quickly, and higher close ratios reduce staffing needs.

Here are 5 tips for getting started with real estate branding, along with some portfolio examples.

1. Know Thyself

Finding the brilliance behind your brand starts with a deep investigation into your project.

Great brands are revealed, not created.

Just like you might do some “soul searching” on a personal level, effective real estate branding requires the same type of deep exploration.

Start early and work with an experienced branding team that can objectively uncover what’s relevant.

Example: The Taft Building

Flux Branding crafted an authentic brand for the property that reflected the buildings true character. Working with the progressive brokerage Industry Partners, Flux created a new graphic identity based on historical research. The resulting visual language captures the spirit of creativity in the building’s reputation.

2. Curate Your Community

By curating a residence of like-minded individuals who share common values, the result is a spirit of harmony that appeals to a specific type of person.

This forges a personality that communicates intuitively while also generating a reputation maintained by the community itself.

When it comes to real estate branding, word-of-mouth marketing opportunities are key, especially in the form of online reviews. Generate enough talk that your prospects notice and trust you.

Example: The Variel

The Variel is a luxurious senior living complex in Woodland Hills, CA, offering a variety of programs from independent living all the way to memory care. Our team created a fresh look highlighting the myriad benefits of retiring at Variel, including five-star cuisine, top-notch amenities, workout classes, community, and individualized care.

The result is a location that not only seems enticing for seniors but could easily be mistaken for a vacation destination, positioning it as the leading choice in Southern California.

3. The Power of Design

Exposure to exceptional design is now elementary, thanks to unprecedented access to artistic content, creative publishing, and social sharing. It’s raised expectations for what lifestyle aspirations are made of.

The result is a far more astute customer who associates success with elevated design.

From interior finishes to the architecture itself, great real estate branding provides the initial visual appeal that sets the stage for strong emotional attachment.

Ultimately, it fuels a sense of urgency for new prospects to act fast. When appearances exceed expectations through inventive and remarkable design, a strong emotional connection forms driving a passionate response.

Example: Reaume Richardson

Flux created a portfolio book to be used as marketing collateral and a website redesign to reflect the new sleek and modern visual tone. The interlocking R’s of the logo is a nod to Reaume Richardson’s expertise as builders and their focus on long-lasting relationships with clients, partners, and staff.

4. Make it Experiential

As your prospects move through various digital and real-world spaces connected with your brand. Interactive, curated moments generate excitement which leads to a meaningful experience.

For real estate branding, property management can extend into event programming to encourage community interaction.

The result is an overall lifestyle experience that differentiates your development from the ordinary.

Example: OLiVE DTLA

Positioned to appeal to young, creative urbanites, we created a visual language that expresses both peace and progressiveness coupled with a PR launch campaign for an Artist in Residence.

We held a global search and the campaign received national attention as it served to represent developers and artists working together to bring life and culture to living spaces.

5. Dominate Digital

Technology has reshaped the way messages are delivered. This means that there’s an unprecedented opportunity to reach the right prospect at the right time.

While print still plays an important role in communications, new digital platforms have become the primary way to reach your prospect.

But the noise from low-quality, poorly-targeted digital messaging has saturated our attention, desensitizing us to recognize only the most relevant items.

Successful real estate branding begins by crafting a profile of your target resident’s behavior using a combination of programmatic advertising and paid search.

Then generate high-quality content that specifically relates to the targeted behavior. Make sure the property website is exceptional, invest in search engine optimization for natural search results, leverage maps and review sites, and maintain an active social media presence.

Privacy laws are extremely relaxed, offering unprecedented opportunities for programmatic ads based geo-targeting directly to mobile devices. Retarget prospects who show interest with display ads.

Example: Downtown Center Business Improvement District (DCBID)

The DCBID chose Flux as their trusted local partner to spearhead a strategic redesign.Flux undertook a comprehensive audit of back-end programming, user experience, and information architecture to determine the best route forward.

We created a site with a beautiful design and user interface, streamlined navigation, intuitive functionality, and seamless UX that is optimized both for users and for back-end analytics.

Strategic Branding is Essential for Differentiation

Successful real estate branding is about emotional engineering; it forges a consistent reaction when the people it’s crafted to encounter it.

When someone falls in love with your property, then the rational decision-making process is influenced emotionally.

This results in a sense of urgency, driving faster action as customers are motivated to avoid losing something they love.

We can help you build your brand into something extraordinary.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:

Home is a Feeling (So is Your Real Estate Brand)
Habits & Rituals: The Holy Grail of Branding (Part 2)
Clarity Between Cycles

This article was originally published in 2019, but has been updated in 2021 just for you!

The Pit & The Pendulum

Challenges are often the catalyst for changes.

>Is your brand ready for the changes ahead?


Great brands evoke an emotional response when people encounter the product, service or company they represent. Branding is the practice of revealing the authentic brilliance that elicits those feelings, and makes them memorable.

Stories help make brands easier to remember. By embedding your brand’s promises within a narrative, the story adds context to help people experience it more naturally. When crafted powerfully, the results can be iconic and unforgettable.


Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849) is known for his tales of mystery and macabre. His short stories “The Raven” and “The Tell Tale Heart” completely transformed the genre of the horror story with his masterful tales of psychological depth and insight.

The Pit and The Pendulum was written by Poe in 1842. The story is about the torments endured by a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition. It’s always been one of my favorite tales. 



>A Tale of Life and Death

Convicted by his captors, a man faces death in a chilling circumstance. Restrained from movement, he watches a giant pendulum swing above him. With each pass, the pendulum’s razor-edge inches closer, threatening to sever his body and take his life. While witnessing impending doom, he’s given time to reflect on the value of life. 

After first accepting his condemnation to die, he decides to make a plan to survive. Using his wits, he finds a solution by facing his darkest fears. Through the courage to persevere, he’s able to escape his predicament at the last moment. He’s then able to take the hand of a liberator who delivers him to freedom.

The story is actually a technique for delivering an important message that’s especially relevant today. We’ve faced new threats to our mortality this year. The 2020 global pandemic has restrained our economy and way of life. As we watch COVID swing through the population, we’ve all been given time to reflect on our lives in the process. Will you accept death or make a plan to survive?

Stories make complex concepts intuitively understood. They take important ideas and transform them into relatable tales. It shifts the emphasis from delivering information to engagement with a plot. The characters can reveal lessons or morals. 

Challenges bring uncertainty and danger. Our instincts make us immediately aware of danger. Detecting threats quickly are essential for survival. Responding to imminent peril is like child’s-play: we’re hard-wired to react to avoid hazards. But discovering solutions to challenges requires critical thinking. That’s accomplished through dedication, practice and mastery.  Sometimes just by good luck. 

While we don’t know how the pandemic will reshape consumer behavior, the cultural shift is coming. We’ve had nearly a year to rethink what’s important. The way we live, work and play have reprioritized our plans. It’s an exciting time for those who make the decision to look forward and intend to survive. 

Brands that recognize the new mindset stand to play a crucial role in the new normal that’s coming. We’ve set a strategy for survival, and when we escape our current predicament we’ll be reaching for the hands of brands that can liberate us from captivity.

 Find your most noble mission and prepare for a massive resurgence of demand as the bonds of COVID captivity release us from today’s torture. If you can extend your brand to elevate people emotionally, economically or spiritually it’s likely you’ll be rewarded. 

The pendulum is always in motion, and it’s passing through it’s oscillation right now. These are rare times that provide tremendous opportunities for those willing to embrace change. Not ready? Don’t fret. There will be more tales of suspense in the future.

Change is (after all) the only constant. 

LA celebrates the Holidays

Safe ways to feel some holiday cheer during the most unusual holiday season.

The holidays are fast approaching and we can all agree this will be a holiday season like no other. Can we dine in, out or is delivery the only option? Can we shop for gifts in store or just online? Will there be a line to pick out my Christmas tree?  Is there a stay at home order? By the time you read this post the rules will have probably changed. As we all navigate the next wave of this pandemic, and recently imposed restriction, you may be wondering what can I do to feel some holiday cheer.  Listed below are a few events that just might kick you into the holiday spirit. Take a look.

I love holiday Lights!


Dodgers Holiday Festival

The 2020 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers are hosting a drive-thru Holiday Festival, complete with a light show, LED video displays, fake snow and interactive displays honoring the Dodgers World Championship and celebrating the holidays!

Open Nightly* at Dodgers Stadium
November 27th-December 24th
5-10PM.  $55 per vehicle
More info and Tickets

Sparkle DTLA

Experience the season of joy with a magical holiday light show as 18 million hues of lights illuminate the night and synchronize to festive tunes. Sparkle DTLA at The Bloc will take you through an unforgettable nighttime journey that includes one of LA’s largest multi-colored interactive holiday displays. Safely capture your perfect photo-op moments at this ultimate holiday experience.

November 16-December 24th
Nightly Light Show
5p      6p      7p      8p      9p
at The Bloc and its FREE’
More Info

Holidays in Your Car

Its a bit out of the neighborhood but if your into holiday lights this just might be worth a drive to Ventura. Discover a symphony of sight and sound at one of southern California’s largest Drive-Thru Holiday Light Spectaculars! Experience Holidays in Your Car at the Ventura County Fairgrounds featuring more than ONE MILLION LED lights, Holograms, Projection Mapping, and lasers animated to the tunes of Holiday Classics. Sounds Spectacular!

November 22-January 2nd
Ventura County Fairgrounds
More info and Tickets


I love a good Show!


The 61st Annual L.A. County Holiday Celebration

An LA tradition.  In it’s 61st year, with a vibrant new format, the Annual L.A. County Holiday Celebration is a holiday tradition that offers Angelenos of all ages the opportunity to experience and honor the dynamic, rich cultures of the County. Enjoy a diverse lineup of L.A.-based artists including many favorites and some exciting new performances! Not even a  pandemic will stop this annual holiday event.

When: December 24, 2020, 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. PST

How: Watch the broadcast on PBS SoCal 1 or stream online right here

Rebroadcast Dates:

  • December 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m. PST on PBS SoCal 1
  • December 25, 2020, noon – 3:00 p.m. PST on KCET
  • December 25, 2020, 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. PST on PBS SoCal 2


I love to SHOP!


A Current Affair: Pop-Up Vintage marketplace: virtual event

Do you love vintage! Shop dozens of the top vintage retailers (local and national) and private dealers at this vintage market—which this December returns as a virtual event.

More Info

However you choose to celebrate this unusual holiday season I hope you spend it with those you love ( at least a few). Also make an effort to  support your local businesses, they really could use some holiday cheer.

Be well and stay safe. Happy Holidays

Taqueando Take Over

Hey Taco Lovers Taqueando Fest is back with 5 weeks of amazing tacos. Check out Taqueando Take Over in the DTLA Arts District 10/22 -11/20

Taqueando Takeover. October 22 – November 21

Last June, which seems like a lifetime ago on a different planet, Flux Branding participated in first annual Bill Esparzas Taqueando Fest at the ROW in DTLA.  We offered a mindful coloring booth as a respite from lots of spicy  tacos and booze. Happy people with full bellies and hearts sampled amazing tacos and got creative in our booth. It was super fun! But now the world has changed….

Thankfully Taqueando has risen from the pandemic to create a Taqueando Takeover. Beginning on Thursday October 22 through Saturday November 21 they are taking over what was formerly the famous Arts District space of Church and State, just around the corner from the Flux headquarters. Each week will feature guest taqueras and taqueros with special menus for takeout or dine-in on the restaurant’s patio from 5:30pm -11pm. The bar will be open for dine-in and take out as well.

We checked it out last Friday and loved Surf nTurf taco night with Mariscos Jalisco, we highly recommend the King Titan Tacos,  and Tacos El Ruso with the. amazing carne asade tacos. It was delicious and sitting outside under the lights of the old Church and State was a bit reminiscent of our pre-Covid world. 

Check out who’s cooking!

Week 1: 10/22-10/24–Taqueando Takeover with traditional chef Poncho Martinez of Poncho’s Tlayudas joins us for 3 nights of Oaxacan cuisine from the Valles Centrales and Sierra Norte regions.

Week 2: 10/20-10/31–TaqueandoTakeover’s Surf and Turf Taco Night with Mariscos Jalisco and Tacos El Ruso serving their signature shrimp and carne asada tacos, respectively.

Week 3: 11/5-11/7–TaqueandoTakeover with San Diego’s Birria Queen, chef Priscilla Curiel is bringing Tuetano Taqueria to DTLA for 3 nights.

Week 4: 11/12-11-14–TaqueandoTakeover with Chef Eduardo Ruiz (Corazon y Miel, Chica’s Tacos) presents 3 nights of Modern Mexican-American tacos

Week 5,:  11/18-11/21–Taqueando Takeover withChef Ray Garcia (Broken Spanish, BS Taqueria) Shines a Light on Alta California Tacos for a 4 night run.


Location: the corner of Mateo and Industrial

1850 industrial Los Angeles 90021 Parking on Mateo in Parking lot across from the Restaurant near Urban Radish as well as street parking

No reservations but they will be maintaining a waitlist on a “first come first serve basis”. If you need additional information check out their website http://www.taqueandofest.com/

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 213-405-1424

Taco lover  for Life!



Fact or Feeling

What are two bold concepts that political campaigns share with branding initiatives?

>It’s likely that who you will vote for is a function of how you respond to an avalanche of messages. Joe Biden and Donald Trump have both pushed their brands towards opposite extremes, driving support across a highly polarized public.

Consider the value of facts; it has never been easier to get information. Digital technology and the Internet make answers so accessible that they’ve become a commodity. Since facts require so little effort to procure, we’ve placed a lot less value on them. Value has always been equated with laborious effort and the instant availability of “truth” continues to cheapen its importance.


What this presidential election has shown is qualifications, experience and records are not nearly as effective as moments and messages that inspire memorable feelings. Democracy relies on a savvy electorate who weigh the issues, then cast their vote. But in the age of new media, propaganda has run wild. A large percentage of voters are now basing their decision on how they feel.

It’s all a simple matter of branding. Trump knows it. Biden knows it. The difference between them is their brand positioning. Depending on your feelings, it’s possible to make a case for supporting either one. Is it “winner take all” or “one for all” that attracts you? There’s little need for lengthy factual discourse in establishing that as a fundamental message. Campaigns that rely on intuitively understandable, simple concepts work surprisingly well.

There are two bold concepts that political campaigns share with branding initiatives:

Effective branding is your business campaign— design messages to inspire emotion and loyalty between you and everyone you contact: customers, employees and even competitors. In other words, be real and you will capture the votes you want to win in the election for business. 

What’s your campaign platform for the next business cycle? Let’s set that strategy.

Our Free IDEA Brand Assessment Report provide insights to bring you clarity. 15 questions leads to important answers. Schedule your session today.

Brands In Flux

Think you’re a free thinker? Think again.

Brands are everywhere, influencing your behaviors by manipulating your emotions. That’s been the case for decades. But the rapid evolution of new communications has dramatically increased the frequency of messages. Broadcasting has been replaced with narrowcasting, enabling customized messaging targeted to profiled consumers.

Regardless of your beliefs on politics, pandemics, and the economy, we can all agree the world is in flux. Times of change have always brought huge opportunities to brands that can pivot and reposition for relevance. If you’re not rethinking your brand in terms of this brave new world, your whole enterprise could become extinct or irrelevant.

Revolutions in communication have brought about major changes in the way we live, think, work and relate to each other. It’s a predictable progression: communication evolves, brands pivot, culture responds, and behaviors change. And over the past 20 years,  the cycle has been accelerating at an unprecedented pace. There’s little pause between cycles, and it’s fueled a huge demand for high-quality creative branding agencies.

To understand the present, you have to look at the past.


History confirms what we know intuitively: the pace of advance continues to accelerate. The most notable advancements in communications have all occurred since the turn of the 20th century. But the past two decades have introduced paradigm shifts that have opened the floodgates for low-cost branded communications. With the pace of change increasing and the break between cycles reducing, it poses both opportunities and challenges for your brand.

Instead of evolving and resting, brands need to remain in a state of flux to keep up with the market’s continually changing mindset. So ask yourself, what have you done to maintain your brand relevance since March 2020?

Clearly, the next great cultural shift is being shaped by mobile devices and communications.

Low-cost, connected personal computers are in the pockets of 3.5 billion people on the planet (source). That’s 45% of the planet—a massive audience that can be accessed instantly with amazing simplicity. Reach depends on content, relevance, and message. That’s the domain of the brand.

The first iPhone was introduced only 10 years ago. Since then, a whole array of new platforms have emerged to bring content onto smartphones. But cultural maturity takes time, and in terms of mobile communications, it’s in its infancy. Perhaps this is why savvy brand strategists have been able to manipulate public sentiment using old-fashioned propaganda tactics in new media. 

“Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy emphasis on manipulation distinguish propaganda from casual conversation or the free and easy exchange of ideas.”


In terms of manipulating public opinion, mobile is the propagandist’s paradise. For the first time in the history of mankind, it combines essential communications elements into a single low-cost, easy-to-access channel.

Using it to sway sentiment is simpler than ever:

Mobile has changed the information lifecycle. Tipping points, the moment in which a trend becomes pervasive, have never been faster than in the age of mobile. Trends come and go at breakneck speed.

Trends, in turn, fuel action. Recent social media campaigns to publicize the deaths of African Americans at the hands of police sparked nationwide protests. Action fuels the demand for more content– images, videos, tweets, and editorials. As saturation is reached, trends pivot to a new outrage or discovery that captures the collective consciousness.  

Brands and ideas trend in a matter of hours, and it’s fundamentally shifted the way we interact with information. That means there are major repercussions for brands. 

According to Google, people today have 2X more interactions with brands on mobile than anywhere else, giving brands major opportunities to increase viewership. Coupled with the rapid content-trending-action cycle and access to personalized data through mobile, brands have an unprecedented ability to shape behavior. 

Branded content can spread like wildfire, but it’s also risky. Once released, it’s going to be accessible forever. Retracting what’s been shared is nearly impossible. Making the wrong move can be costly, especially when viewed in terms of future cultural acceptability. Times Up. Black Lives Matter. Make America Great Again.

What you shared years ago might not look good in today’s frame of reference.

Developing an informed strategy is essential to prevent false steps that can be disastrous in the future. Sure, the stakes are high. That’s what volatility brings to the table. It’s a high-risk-reward equation that is within reach of those willing to make the effort.

A smart branding strategy rests on a solid foundation of core brand principles: 


Free thought still exists, but there’s a major opportunity to influence it. Opening your eyes to what’s really happening is the beginning. Lewis Carroll crafted an iconic image for that awakening with a white rabbit who leads Alice into wonderland. It’s easy to think that the state of the world today is as absurd as the Mad Hatter’s tea party. 

But for those who can see through it, there are important lessons to inform your choices. 

So, if you’ve found an opportunity in these times of change, then you’re ready for a journey into the wonderland of branding. It’s an adventure that’s both rewarding and exciting, but not for those without a spirit of curiosity. 


“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’
‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, ‘ said the Cat.
‘I don’t much care where” said Alice.
‘Then it doesn’t matter which way you go, ‘ said the Cat.
‘- so long as I get SOMEWHERE,’ Alice added as an explanation.
‘Oh, you’re sure to do that,’ said the Cat, ‘if you only walk long enough.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland